Michael Caine: Bad Ass Through the Decades

I really enjoy films with Michael Caine in them- I love his Cockney accent and his working class mannerisms....best of all I think he's a witty old geezer with sass. I miss that in today's movies...But anyway I love his work...

First picture is of his whole family his wife- the dark haired Shakira- and his two daughters.

Funny Quote-ings

"Be like a duck, my mother used to tell me. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like hell underneath."

"If you put people in cages, don't be surprised if they become animals."

"I am in so many movies that are on TV at 2:00 a.m. that people think I am dead."

-My mother died when she was 90, so I've got just under 20 years left. The terrible thing is that in obituaries, you read, "He died at 74, he had a good life." You think, "Bloody hell, I've only got 18 months to go". And another strange thing about aging - as you get older, it gets faster, and you see people you haven't seen in what you think is five years, but it turns out to be 25 years. You say, "I made that film ten years ago," and they correct me: "Thirty, Michael. Thirty".-

-After eight years in Hollywood: Weather always the same. Nothing to talk about. No seasons. My gardener told me that if I wanted to grow daffodils, I'd have to keep them in the fridge for five weeks so they'd think they were in England. But I couldn't put them in the fridge because I thought the maid would make onion soup out of them and poison the bloody lot of us.-

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