Cooking Lately...

So I pretty much love to cook, especially with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I'd say my specialties are pastas and mexican food infused with other cultures flavors and what not. I really like to experiment. Lately, I made a chicken squash and zucchini pasta with red sauce and roasted tomatoes and a more greek inspired dish with all different types of olives-including my favorite Kalamata (which are expensive but totally worth the splurge flavor wise). It also had fire roasted red peppers and artichoke hearts in it- I think I had a mix of red sauce and sun dried tomato vinaigrette in it that turned out well. This year I've made a bunch of greek inspired pastas- my favorite included making sauces out of wines and cream.

I also love to make desserts. My favorite desserts to make are usually trifles. My most recent trifle attempts have gone rather well. I made one with blueberries, strawberries, freshly baked crispy angel food cake and berry flavored whipped cream. The other recent trifle was made with freshly baked triple chocolate cake, caramel, candied walnuts, regular whipped cream, and hazelnut coffee flavored whipped cream. I didn't get either idea from a recipe..they were just kind of- Well I like the flavors of all of these, let's throw them in the dish together and hope they taste good.

Gardening Update!!!!

So basically I am super excited all of the seeds I planted are actually growing....kinda silly- but it seems like when I did this when I was a kid nothing ever grew...but almost all of my plants are growing. I planted a bunch of wildflower packets and a bunch of veggies so far...I might plant some other things but we'll see -when I get grow boxes I think I just go nuts with them :-)

MORE Bathtubs!

So I couldn't help myself I just had to post more- They have hydrotherapy, hdtvs, infinity edges, color therapy, water jets etc. I especially think its cool they carve boulders to make some of the tubs.

Bath TUBS! How I love thee...

So I know a lot of people are pro shower...and think showers are really neat too- but I will always save a little place in my heart for my first love-BATHTUBS...I've known far more people that I know to be injured while taking a shower than a bath and to be perfectly honest I think its ridiculously relaxing.I found a bunch of cool, crazy, and neat ones I would like to share with you


I also would like to share a part of one of my favorite episodes of FRIENDS involving baths :-)

Adventures in Refinishing and Decorating: Shelves

So my wonderful mother gave me some hand me down shelves that needed a little help they were originally a wood finish and I have been painting them several coats of an off white color. I think the first set turned out I am going to do the other set next weekend.


I have ridiculously fickle skin and it likes to get upset by regular store soap- I am extremely allergic to dove, dial, irish spring and the like. My skin breaks out into a nasty itchy rash that anyone would absolutely hate. So to avoid rash I have switched to alternative soaps-goat milk soap, vegetable oil soap, anything organic and the like. My mom always shows us the neatest new things she uses and I find them very she is the one that started using alternative fancy soaps and we all followed suit. Now I am kind of nuts about it- I have like 15 bars of soap at the very least hiding in my bathroom. Soaps that come in smells like chocolate espresso, mango mint, jasmine rice, honey almond oatmeal, lemon basil, rose sandalwood, etc. etc. Anyway I really just like them and know a lot of other people with soap ingredient allergies so I thought I'd share.

Thrift Store Finds

So I went looking for odds and ends at a couple different thrift store the other day and found some neat retro things and some newer things that could be redone.